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Values & Beliefs

 At New Salem, we are more than just a congregation—we are a family devoted to the Word and Jesus' teachings. Guided by our unwavering belief in the transformative power of love and compassion, we strive to embody Christ's message in all that we do.

Our congregation is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA.

We join our brothers and sisters in Christ of Northern Minnesota with being a part of the  Northwestern Minnesota ELCA Synod. This encompasses 220 Lutheran churches in the northern part of the state, including us here in Bemidji!   

For more information, please contact  the church office at 218-586-2262 or email us at newsalem@paulbunyan.net


Mission Statement

 New Salem Lutheran Church is a

Community of Christians,

having a Mission to serve others through: 



and inviting all people into a life-giving

Relationship with Jesus

through worship and discipleship.

Guiding Principles

New Salem....

N urtures our Faith for life in the Northwoods, and throughout the world

E ncourages Prayer & Spiritual growth in an among members

W orship, Prayer & Scripture is the foundation

New Salem is involved in....

S  erving others in the spirit of teamwork and celebration (Having fun yet?)

A  cceptance and respect for everyone

L  earning to love and serve God by loving and serving others & all creation.

E  xploring, experiencing, sharing the joy of the reign of God in Jesus Christ Turtle River.

M  ission of inviting all people to a life giving relationship with Jesus.

 For more information, please call us at 218-586-2262 or email us at newsalem@paulbunyan.net